stereogram thingys

i have a book of these things at home, apparently called stereograms, you hold them really close to your face and as you move the page away a 3D image appears....
thisssss is a website with some other ones on
....not realllllllly sure if this is a visual illusion or not....
but i posted something
Labels: Illusions, Perception
check out these sited for nice 3D-stereograms:
6:55 PM
yes you did... excellent, first person off the mark... now, can anyone find out how these things work?
10:47 AM
There's good article about how this stuff works at
I also have the same book with the image above, it's Henry's Gift by Bohdan Petyhyrycz
Also check my 3D-stereo blog for animated stereogram and Magic Eye Tetris
9:44 PM
this things don't "work" what has to happen is that you have to focus or rather defocus on the picture... once you got them they're pretty cool
2:19 AM
like this one up here... it's a horseman with an armour holding a flag. lot of detail pretty cool
2:22 AM
I invite you to where I have a gallery of 30 stereograms.
1:41 PM
It's picture of a knight on his horse and bringing a flag.
8:06 AM
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