The Psychology Blog Of Bridgwater College; a link-dump of vaguely Psychology related pictures, queries, weblinks, comments, thoughts and theories...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Gender and Altruism (maybe Conformity/Obedience)

Here and here (a meta-study - alwasy useful) and here are some links to stuff which may be useful in a gender and bystander apathy / helping behaviour essay and can be used in a gender and conformity (etc) essay (as part of the discussion perhaps...)

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Tulving's Cues

There are some links that may be useful for those doing coursework on cue-dependency theory and Tulving's theory of Encoding Specificity here and here and here....

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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Japanese psychiatric art gallery.......


Saturday, September 23, 2006


This website has loads of visual illusions that are quite good!

Some of them are rubbish and just have a load of text to read but most of them have got the actual pictures, like this old/young woman one -

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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Look Around - The Brain

Monday, September 18, 2006

stereogram thingys

i have a book of these things at home, apparently called stereograms, you hold them really close to your face and as you move the page away a 3D image appears....

thisssss is a website with some other ones on

....not realllllllly sure if this is a visual illusion or not....

but i posted something

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Evolutionary Psychology

This may be useful for people doing the phobias or the symmetry and attractiveness studies.

Also this on phobias and this, though it is much more complicated and in-depth. And here is a research paper on emotions and evol. psych that may be useful - but don't copy it!

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Kate Moss Psychoanalysis

Kate Moss Psychoanalysed, sort of.

And again. And again. And again.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A friend of mine has a website about Psychology. You may recognise bits and bobs because I'm always stealing stuff off it.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Rotating Snakes

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The Psychology Blog Of Bridgwater College

This is intended as a link dump / discussion board for anything vaguely Psychology related.. you are invited to submit pictures / questions / text / news stories etc that can be viewed and discussed by the rest of the class.

Initial suggestion - Visual Illusions, because we'll be doing loads of them...